Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Knit with Square Holes Around

It's drafty here. My chair is in the path of a sliding glass door. In Winter it gets pretty cold. I am still looking for a way to weatherstrip it more efficiently. In the meantime, I insulate MYSELF with knitting. The piece at left is a long rectangular wrap that I am making of Paton's Shetland Chunky Tweed in red. It is nearly finished and has used a total of 11 skeins. The center portion of the shawl was knit on size 10 knitting needles and measures approximately 20" x 60" before edging and blocking. The edging, nearly finished, is from Nicky Epstein's book, Knitted Embellishments. I liked it because of the modern, square holes. It was NOT fun to knit because of all the starting, stopping, casting/binding and loose ends. I still like the way it looks. I knit the edging on three sides of the shawl. The fourth (long) side will be plain garter stitch so that I have a solid edge near my neck and shoulders. I have not figured out how to block this thing yet. My house really doesn't have that much quiet real estate. Also, we are having new carpet put down soon. My husband would have a fit if I blocked anything on the new carpet for a while. The entire household is in an uproar as we prepare for some major fixing. I may just have to block this .....I have no idea....

1 comment:

  1. I love it. I was ready to give that edge a try just from looking at the photo, then I read about the process and am having second thoughts. Wish I had some suggestions for blocking.
    Well, it's lovely, so enjoy it, blocked or not.
