Saturday, July 10, 2010

For Pascal, meet Dusty

Just checking in on the blog "Art in the Wind" (see link at left). It looks like my cat has a blog! Well, a twin at least. Here's a photo of Dusty in her native habitat, our yard. Like Pascal, she has been known to mangle some wool when available.
On the knitting front- my current projects are in the slogging stage and I'm bored. Yesterday I started swatching Daleks and the TARDIS and other Doctor Who subjects. I want to do a stole/wrap project in laceweight yarn. That floral thing is not happening. Therefore- Daleks.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely see a kindred spirit, not to mention litter soul mate possibilities. You can't do much better than a brown tabby. Gotta love 'em.
