Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rare Gilding Sighting

Rare photos of myself. Every once in a great while I will get in front of a camera. One problem is that I take terrible pictures of myself. Candid photos are best. My family members are uniformly terrible with a camera. In this case, I am showing off a new hair cut. I usually wear my hair bound up.
I must admit that I am totally enjoying this. I grew up with a grandmother who had very strict ideas about what was proper. I was raised to be a lady according to standards that came from, oh say 1900.
At any rate, Grandma's rules kinda got shot to pieces.

This is me at work, wearing the scarf. I love the scarf, but I need more practice in wrapping it just so. This is also why I am camera shy..... I make faces.
Anyway, I love the scarf. I'm going to make at least one more. The red and black version was knit with sock yarn. The next version(s) will be knit in sport yarn. I want a faster result and a bigger scarf.
This scarf came out to at least 60" wide by about 16" in depth. It took quite awhile to knit. Sport yarn will be faster. I want a really capacious shawl next time (I think).
My current project is for the feet. I am just finishing up a pair of footie socks in worsted weight yarn. This is the learning project for a pair of socks for a birthday present. Nearly ready for photos.

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